Portland Estates Elementary

Staff Directory

Communication between home and school is extremely important.
Calls and emails sent to staff members will be returned within two business days.


Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Henman-Poirier, Louise Principal 902-433-7100 ext. 2251001 lhpoirier@hrce.ca
Broussard, Jacqueline Vice Principal (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251002 jbroussard@hrce.ca
Falkwin, Laurianne Counsellor 902-433-7100 ext. 2251239 lfalkwin@hrce.ca
Healy Vihant, Irene 80% School Counsellor M W Th F 902-433-7100 ext. 2251239 ihealyvihant@hrce.ca Website
Myers, Chelsey Administration Assistant 902-433-7100 ext. 0 portland@hrce.ca

Teaching Staff

Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Banks, Kelly Grade 3/4 902-433-7100 ext. 2251139 jjohnson@hrce.ca
Boyd, Valerie 20% Learning Center 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 vboyd@hrce.ca
Burn, Heather Learning Center hburn@hrce.ca
Caldwell, Kate 80% Learning Center 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 kcaldwell@hrce.ca
Casavechia, Cheri-Lea Grade 1 902-433-7100 ext. 2251136 ccasavechia@hrce.ca
Clarke, Cheryl Grade 4/5 902-433-7100 ext. 2251217 cheryl.clarke@hrce.ca Website
Connors, Allison Resource Teacher (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251214 aconnors@hrce.ca
Corrigan, Rhonda Music 70% 902-433-7100 ext. 2251165 rcorrigan@hrce.ca
Dafoe, Colleen ELS/Reading Recovery 902-433-7100 ext. 2251147 cdafoe@hrce.ca
Dagnall, Stephanie Grade 2 902-433-7100 ext. 2251230 sdagnall@hrce.ca
Davidson, Denise Grade 5 902-433-7100 ext. 2251219 ddavidson@hrce.ca Website
Farrell, Susan Grade 1 902-433-7100 ext. 2251137 sfarrell@hrce.ca Website
Jennings, Wendi Grade 4 902-433-7100 ext. 2251231 wmurray-jennings@hrce.ca
Johnson, Julie Grade 2/3 902-433-7100 ext. 2251232 jjohnson@hrce.ca
MacDonald, Kerri Physical Education Teacher 902-433-7100 ext. 2251173 kerri.macdonald@hrce.ca
MacLellan, Briana Grade Primary 902-433-7100 ext. 2251126 bmaclellan@hrce.ca
Mason-MacDonald, Kara Grade 5 902-433-7100 ext. 2251220 kmason-macdonald@hrce.ca Website
McLennan, Emily Math Coach 902-433-7100 emclennan@hrce.ca
Mesheau, Melanie Grade 2 902-433-7100 ext. 2251233 mmesheau@hrce.ca Website
Moser, Emily Grade P/1 902-433-7100 ext. 2251127 emily.moser@hrce.ca
Page-White, Miranda Grade Primary 902-433-7100 ext. 2251125 miranda.page@hrce.ca
Parsons, Katie Core French 60% 902-433-7100 ext. 2251213 katherine.parsons@hrce.ca
Riley, Milo Grade 3 902-433-7100 ext. 2251138 mriley@hrce.ca
Smith, Melanie Grade 3 902-433-7100 ext. 2251218 msmith@hrce.ca

Support Staff

Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Bautista, Maria Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 maria.bautista@hrce.ca
Beauregard, Glenna ECE - Pre-primary Support 902-433-7100 ext. 2251162 glenna.beauregard@hrce.ca
Buott, Frances Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 fbuott@hrce.ca
Coolen, Lynn Fine Arts Specialist for Woodlawn Family lcoolen@hrce.ca
Cranford, Bernadette Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 bcranford@hrce.ca
Dann, Rhonda Educational Program Assistant (50%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 rhonda.dann@hrce.ca
Devine, Olivia School Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) 902-433-7100 okdevine@hrce.ca
Dollimont, Jillian School Social Worker 902-430-4713 jdollimont@hrce.ca
Downey, Lisa ECE - Pre-Primary Lead 902-433-7100 ext. 2251163 lisa.downey@hrce.ca
Driscoll, Cheryl 80 % Educational Program Assistant 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 cheryl.driscoll@hrce.ca
Fillmore-Snow, Lori Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 lori.fillmore-snow@hrce.ca
Gabriel, Liza School Psychologist 902-433-7100 ext. 2251151 lgabriel@hrce.ca
George, Sarah ECE sarah.george@hrce.ca
Hartlin, Wendy Educational Program Assistant (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 whartlin@hrce.ca
Lafitte, Nancy Educational Program Assistant (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 ngraham@hrce.ca
Lodge, Elsah ECE - Pre-Primary Lead 902-433-7100 ext. 2251162 elsah.lodge@hrce.ca
McNamara, Leah EAL 902-433-7100 ext. 2251213 lmcnamara@hrce.ca
Pedersen, Carol Librarian (60%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251148 cpedersen@hrce.ca Website
Riordan, Christine Schools Plus Community Outreach Worker Facilitator 902-221-1917
Toulany, Rola Excel Head Monitor 902-433-7100 ext. 2251155 portlandxl@hrce.ca


Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Chandler, Megan Violin Teacher mchandler@hrce.ca