Portland Estates Elementary

Staff Directory

Communication between home and school is extremely important.
Calls and emails sent to staff members will be returned within two business days.

Teaching Staff

Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Boyd, Valerie 20% Learning Center 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 vboyd@hrce.ca
Caldwell, Kate 80% Learning Center 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 kcaldwell@hrce.ca
Parsons, Katie Core French 60% 902-433-7100 ext. 2251213 katherine.parsons@hrce.ca
Dafoe, Colleen ELS/Reading Recovery 902-433-7100 ext. 2251147 cdafoe@hrce.ca
Farrell, Susan Grade 1 902-433-7100 ext. 2251137 sfarrell@hrce.ca Website
Casavechia, Cheri-Lea Grade 1 902-433-7100 ext. 2251136 ccasavechia@hrce.ca
Dagnall, Stephanie Grade 2 902-433-7100 ext. 2251230 sdagnall@hrce.ca
Mesheau, Melanie Grade 2 902-433-7100 ext. 2251233 mmesheau@hrce.ca Website
Johnson, Julie Grade 2/3 902-433-7100 ext. 2251232 jjohnson@hrce.ca
Smith, Melanie Grade 3 902-433-7100 ext. 2251218 msmith@hrce.ca
Riley, Milo Grade 3 902-433-7100 ext. 2251138 mriley@hrce.ca
Banks, Kelly Grade 3/4 902-433-7100 ext. 2251139 jjohnson@hrce.ca
Jennings, Wendi Grade 4 902-433-7100 ext. 2251231 wmurray-jennings@hrce.ca
Clarke, Cheryl Grade 4/5 902-433-7100 ext. 2251217 cheryl.clarke@hrce.ca Website
Mason-MacDonald, Kara Grade 5 902-433-7100 ext. 2251220 kmason-macdonald@hrce.ca Website
Davidson, Denise Grade 5 902-433-7100 ext. 2251219 ddavidson@hrce.ca Website
Moser, Emily Grade P/1 902-433-7100 ext. 2251127 emily.moser@hrce.ca
MacLellan, Briana Grade Primary 902-433-7100 ext. 2251126 bmaclellan@hrce.ca
Page-White, Miranda Grade Primary 902-433-7100 ext. 2251125 miranda.page@hrce.ca
Burn, Heather Learning Center hburn@hrce.ca
McLennan, Emily Math Coach 902-433-7100 emclennan@hrce.ca
Corrigan, Rhonda Music 70% 902-433-7100 ext. 2251165 rcorrigan@hrce.ca
MacDonald, Kerri Physical Education Teacher 902-433-7100 ext. 2251173 kerri.macdonald@hrce.ca
Connors, Allison Resource Teacher (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251214 aconnors@hrce.ca

Support Staff

Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Driscoll, Cheryl 80 % Educational Program Assistant 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 cheryl.driscoll@hrce.ca
McNamara, Leah EAL 902-433-7100 ext. 2251213 lmcnamara@hrce.ca
George, Sarah ECE sarah.george@hrce.ca
Downey, Lisa ECE - Pre-Primary Lead 902-433-7100 ext. 2251163 lisa.downey@hrce.ca
Lodge, Elsah ECE - Pre-Primary Lead 902-433-7100 ext. 2251162 elsah.lodge@hrce.ca
Beauregard, Glenna ECE - Pre-primary Support 902-433-7100 ext. 2251162 glenna.beauregard@hrce.ca
Lafitte, Nancy Educational Program Assistant (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 ngraham@hrce.ca
Hartlin, Wendy Educational Program Assistant (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 whartlin@hrce.ca
Dann, Rhonda Educational Program Assistant (50%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 rhonda.dann@hrce.ca
Buott, Frances Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 fbuott@hrce.ca
Cranford, Bernadette Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 bcranford@hrce.ca
Fillmore-Snow, Lori Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 lori.fillmore-snow@hrce.ca
Bautista, Maria Educational Program Assistant (80%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251129 maria.bautista@hrce.ca
Toulany, Rola Excel Head Monitor 902-433-7100 ext. 2251155 portlandxl@hrce.ca
Coolen, Lynn Fine Arts Specialist for Woodlawn Family lcoolen@hrce.ca
Pedersen, Carol Librarian (60%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251148 cpedersen@hrce.ca Website
Gabriel, Liza School Psychologist 902-433-7100 ext. 2251151 lgabriel@hrce.ca
Dollimont, Jillian School Social Worker 902-430-4713 jdollimont@hrce.ca
Devine, Olivia School Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) 902-433-7100 okdevine@hrce.ca
Riordan, Christine Schools Plus Community Outreach Worker Facilitator 902-221-1917


Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Healy Vihant, Irene 80% School Counsellor M W Th F 902-433-7100 ext. 2251239 ihealyvihant@hrce.ca Website
Myers, Chelsey Administration Assistant 902-433-7100 ext. 0 portland@hrce.ca
Falkwin, Laurianne Counsellor 902-433-7100 ext. 2251239 lfalkwin@hrce.ca
Henman-Poirier, Louise Principal 902-433-7100 ext. 2251001 lhpoirier@hrce.ca
Broussard, Jacqueline Vice Principal (100%) 902-433-7100 ext. 2251002 jbroussard@hrce.ca


Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Chandler, Megan Violin Teacher mchandler@hrce.ca